Control Design Machines built by Vimalssonic


A wide variety of industries use vimalsonic assembly automation machines. To achieve optimal performance, these machines require a specific control design based on their unique electrical, program, and mechanical designs. We are sharing the important aspect of control design for a vimalsonic machine in this article.

Vimalsonic machines are unique custom solutions that are designed & manufacture as per component requirements and productivity ratio to achieve consist of unique electrical, programming, and PLC system electromechanical components that require a well-designed control system to ensure consistent and effective operation.

 Vimalsonic’s control team chooses the right control strategy based on the machine’s specific needs and operating conditions with operating safety & operator friendly interface to provide a sequential assembly of components with all parameters visible on the HMI system with simple understandable language to operate with each cycle function check & indication.

Vimalsonic machines always are controlled in the right way in order to improve overall performance. without hampering a combination of electromechanical components.

This includes identifying suitable control modules to ensure that the machine operates at peak performance. A control system may need to regulate the speed of motors, the temperature of a process, or the pressure of air & ensure each operation data acquisition with part results with cycle time, parameter settings, password protection for critical parameters, auto manual function with maintenance reminder. For each solution, we will take care of all parameters in vimalssonic control design.. Contact our technical Expert  for your plastic component joining solution.

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